Friday, March 13, 2009

Introduction to Kundalini Chakras

Let me introduce you the Energy chakras. These chakra points have both, physical and spiritual significance. They have the concentration of nerve ganglia which control different regions of physical body and also vortexes of energy which connect with the divine.

These chakras are centers of flow for basics life force energy of universe. During meditation they become receptors and distributors of cosmic energy in physical body. These energy chakras are both physical form and pure energy, as rest of creation.

Ancient Yoga masters discovered that the human body has seven main energy vortexes which are correlated to seven nerve ganglia up and down the spine. These are nervous systems delicate and sensitive centers for control and organization of human body and mind’s functions

In the following articles I will introduce you to the primary qualities of each of the seven chakras that are actively present in your own body at this moment.

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Journey Within

The least explored area by humans is their own self. Self awareness is the first step in knowing what you are all about. Meditation is the first step towards self awareness. The journey ends with life and is as thrilling as any adventure you might have embarked upon. You will discover life as you have never imagined. This is a journey without any baggage from past or the future. It begins and happens right here , right now in this present moment. All eternity exists in this present moment of yours. May you find it now.