Monday, October 5, 2009

The Fifth Chakra

The fifth chakra is located in the throat region. As you are aware this part of the body has a major role in human communication. Through verbal communication human beings express their inner most feelings, emotions and inner depths of their very being. That is the reason this Chakra is often called the “Communication Chakra

In Kundalini meditation spoken mantras or vibration created by the sound is a very important part and tool of Kundalini awakening. Through vocalization and chanting the fifth chakra helps to empower the other chakras. (We will discuss this aspect later when we talk in detail about how to activate this chakra)

In our day to day life we communicate with other using the fifth chakra and pass on our spiritual realization which in turn helps to reinforce our progress to ourselves and make our practice strong and beneficial. This is also the Chakra where we first learn to listen to ourselves and find out what we are saying and meaning in relation to the universe around us.

This Chakra is also the center for conceptualization. Human imagination and dreaming are related to this center and it also causes out of body experiences sometimes. Fifth Chakra is the pathway between experiencing and meditative state and it helps in spiritual visualization.

The fifth chakra is active in human beings even without the help of the lower chakras already discussed earlier. In most modern cultures the fifth chakra is overly stimulated. This causes us to fixate on conceptual mode of the mind without proper heart chakra stimulation to balance intellect with love.

This chakra is located in larynx and thyroid gland and is controlled by thyroid and parathyroid, which affects the whole nervous system, metabolism and muscular control. Any disturbance in this can cause many physical ailments such as chronic cols, sore throat, neck stiffness etc.

Meditating on fifth chakra helps to relieve these ailments and also opens the Kundalini flow between the lower and top two chakras. It also helps to balance the verbal skills of a person.

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Journey Within

The least explored area by humans is their own self. Self awareness is the first step in knowing what you are all about. Meditation is the first step towards self awareness. The journey ends with life and is as thrilling as any adventure you might have embarked upon. You will discover life as you have never imagined. This is a journey without any baggage from past or the future. It begins and happens right here , right now in this present moment. All eternity exists in this present moment of yours. May you find it now.