Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Fourth Chakra

The Fourth Chakra is also known as the “Heart Chakra”. This chakra is the guiding force for the previous three chakras. It helps the first chakra merge the physical with the divine. The sexual energy of the second chakra is transformed into loving light and the raw energy of the third chakra is converted for higher spiritual purpose of life.

Heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and is the center of all the seven chakras. This chakra is the source and receptor of primary energy of love. Heart chakra helps to balance all the seven chakras with loving guidance. This chakra influences the functioning of the Thymus Gland, located in the center of the chest, just behind the upper breastbone. Thymus Gland controls the functioning of the immune system and focusing on the heart chakra has beneficial affect on your over all health.

Before we move any further there is one point that needs to be clarified. In human terminology above is usually supposed to be better or superior than below, but in Kundalini chakras this distinction is meaningless since all the chakras above or bellow the heart chakra or of equal importance. They all compliment each other and none is complete without the other. Just as in the universe every part has a meaning in the whole while no part is complete in itself.

As you progress in your Kundalini meditation you will realize that the heart chakra being at the center of all the chakras is of crucial importance, since it balances the physical realm with the spiritual realm. Love is the essential quality of the fourth chakra and hence it helps us avoid extremes on either side.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Third Chakra

The Third Chakra is also called the “Power Chakra”. Third chakra is located between the navel and the solar plexus. According to ancient Hindu scriptures this chakra generates the fire in the human belly, in other words it is the source of raw physical energy. This energy finds its out let in human emotions.

Third Chakra is associated with fire, combustion and thus generated emotions like anger, laughter, joy. Third chakra influences the adrenal glands. Meditating on the third chakra brings harmony in physical and emotional energies.

Third chakra helps to balance your will power and raw emotional energy. You will be more in tune with the spiritual than the material. In certain disciplines like Zen meditation and martial arts, the trainee is told to focus on solar plexus region as it helps to focus on the raw physical energy and transforms it into intuitive defense by sending it into lower chakra.

Third chakra empowerment awakens human contact with the source of energy. It is the same energy that is available in the sun and the stars. It is the energy of the universe. You can send this energy into lower chakra to enhance your sexual prowess or in upper chakra
Or heart chakra to transform yourself from the mundane physical to ecstatic spiritual.

When you are able to meditate and manage this flow of energy upwards through heart chakra and downwards to root chakra your whole life experience changes dramatically as you feel your oneness with the creation.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Second Chakra

The second chakra is also known as the sexual chakra. This chakra is located in the sexual organs. The second Chakra gets activated after the first chakra work is completed at puberty.The first two chakras correspond to your physical growth and these chakras get activated at various stages of your growth. This chakra gets activated as your sexual creative powers awaken and from being a creation you become capable of creating life itself through sexual activity.

Focus on second chakra through meditation brings a spiritual vitality to sexual energy. This raw sexual energy is tamed and the procreative energy moves up to charge up other chakra and also percolates to first chakra to enhance your survival instincts.

Many practitioners of Kundalini mistakenly believe that the purpose of second chakra meditations is just to enhance ones sexual pleasure. Although it does have that effect, but the real purpose of focusing on second chakra is to utilize the second chakra sexual charge to balance your emotional and spiritual aspects.

If you have a source of electric energy and abundant supply, you can use it to melt metal or use it to warm up your home. Both purposes are useful. Trick is to know which is more beneficial for you at any given moment.

The Chakras support each other, just as the first chakra is the support system for the second chakra; sexual energy itself leads to other chakras. Harnessing of sexual energy and using for appropriate purpose is the purpose of second chakra meditation.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The First Chakra

The first Chakra is also called the “Earth Chakra”. This Chakra is the gateway between material world or Earth and the spiritual realm. First chakra lies at the base of your spine. The Kundalini Goddess lies in three and half coils around this chakra. The purpose of the Kundalini meditative practice is to awaken this Goddess and move her along the spinal chakras from the base upwards.

First chakra is your connection to your past, your childhood and the material world around you. The energy of this chakra has been the catalyst during your growing up years till puberty and also connects your to your outer environment.

Meditating on this chakra makes you more stable person, grounded and adaptable to your physical environment. It strengthens your survival instincts and helps the body deal with physical and health problems. The energy of this chakra has a bearing on your success in the material world.

Since this is the base chakra it is also seen as a foundation for working on higher chakras as you move along in your meditative practice. The focusing on the Earth chakra the Kundalini goddess is awakened and consciously sent upward through other chakras or energy centers.

Introduction to Kundalini Chakras

Let me introduce you the Energy chakras. These chakra points have both, physical and spiritual significance. They have the concentration of nerve ganglia which control different regions of physical body and also vortexes of energy which connect with the divine.

These chakras are centers of flow for basics life force energy of universe. During meditation they become receptors and distributors of cosmic energy in physical body. These energy chakras are both physical form and pure energy, as rest of creation.

Ancient Yoga masters discovered that the human body has seven main energy vortexes which are correlated to seven nerve ganglia up and down the spine. These are nervous systems delicate and sensitive centers for control and organization of human body and mind’s functions

In the following articles I will introduce you to the primary qualities of each of the seven chakras that are actively present in your own body at this moment.

Journey Within

The least explored area by humans is their own self. Self awareness is the first step in knowing what you are all about. Meditation is the first step towards self awareness. The journey ends with life and is as thrilling as any adventure you might have embarked upon. You will discover life as you have never imagined. This is a journey without any baggage from past or the future. It begins and happens right here , right now in this present moment. All eternity exists in this present moment of yours. May you find it now.